
Meeting & Events

At Regalia, we understand that planning a business/corporate event is hard work and to make it easier. We offer a range of tools to plan, make a booking and manage the event in impeccable fashion. Regalia caters to a variety of activities including, board meetings, seminars, workshops, training sessions, corporate events, conferences, wedding events, and product launches. All our meeting places are equipped with state-of-the-art technological accessories, high-speed internet, and high-definition video displays to ensure optimal presentations.

The Mahogany Boardroom

It has never been more significant to connect with colleagues, clients, or partners in a more profound and meaningful way. Whatever the agenda, The Mahogany Boardroom is ideal for top-tier corporate meetings and events.


        Corporate Board Room Setup
          11 Persons Capacity

         75" HD LED Screen

The Royal Oak Boardroom

Whatever the agenda, The Royal Oak Boardroom is ideal for top-tier corporate meetings. The ultimate experience for meetings and incentives-transform an entire IRH Royal Oak Boardroom into your own and ensure the highest level of personalization, privacy, and exclusive access to amenities, to ensure every guest leaves feeling individually recognized.


        Corporate Board Room Setup
          17 Persons Capacity

         75" HD LED Screen

Executive Lounge

Inspirational spaces designed to adopt creativity, improvement innovation, and compensation, our collection of outstanding private retreats meeting provide solitude and exclusivity, offering themselves to productive work sessions in a comfortable setting, team-building activities, or as a convenient hospitality suite.

        Comfortable Setting

           Mini Buffet
           10+ Persons Capacity

        Tea and Assortments

The Duo : Ivory & Pearl

Regalia’s banquet halls ( Ivory & Pearl ) are perfect for larger gatherings accommodating up to 160 people in each hall. Whether it’s a seminar, training event, or product launch, Ivory & Pearl is ideally situated to meet your needs.

          10 - 150 Persons Capacity

          Banquet Setup
            Buffet Setup

           Audiovisual Setup

The Mirror : Ruby & Zircon

Need an even bigger place? Look no further-Regalia has it covered. Please choose Regalia’s Ruby & Zircon halls which can accommodate up to 400 people. These halls may be used individually or together, depending on your unique event needs.

          10 - 225 Persons Capacity

          Banquet Setup
            Buffet Setup

           Multimedia Screen